Nebraska Debt Collection Agency

Collecting debts from your commercial clients is often a long-ended process that takes your time and focus away from the other important work you do. Still, getting the funds you’re owed returned is an essential part of funding your future endeavors. Altus Receivables Management is the solution you’re looking for to crack down on debt collection without trying to fit repeat calls and renegotiations into your already-packed schedule.

Why Choose Altus for Nebraska Debt Collection?

  • Experience: Altus has been collecting commercial debt for over 30 years and our collectors have an average of 12 years of experience.
  • Size: Altus is the largest B2B debt collection company in the U.S. and has the resources to support you regardless of size or debtor location.
  • Industry expertise: Our experts support clients in numerous industries by learning the fine details and regulations that apply.
  • Technology: We use ARM STRONG™, our proprietary, industry-leading, end-to-end collections platform that provides 24/7 access to detailed claim information with 100% transparency to all collector activities, payment and call recordings.
  • Variety of services: We offer first-party collections, third-party collections, international collections, legal services and more.

Your Local Debt Collectors and More

Altus believes that a comprehensive suite of collection and mitigation services is key to serving our clients well. That’s why our offerings include:

  • International collections: Keep track of your debtors, anywhere they’re located. Altus is licensed not just in Nebraska, but every jurisdiction throughout North America, and we maintain certifications and partnerships that enable us to handle collections all over the world. However large or varied your customer base is, we can manage their credit lines with ease.
  • First-party services: When your goal is to maintain a close relationship with each client in your roster, outsourcing your debt collection may feel counterintuitive. However, Altus makes it easy to stay connected. We’ll direct our collections staff to follow your brand guidelines and operate under your name so your clients won’t ever know the difference.
  • Third-party services: If you deal with particularly challenging accounts, a firm hand may be just what you need to show them you mean business. Our third-party services involve us operating under the Altus name, bringing our reputation as an industry leader to bear in encouraging your customers to pay their debts.
  • Legal support: One of the many ways we instill client confidence is through our network of legal experts. If our collection efforts don’t get through to your customers, we’ll bring in commercial attorneys to take them to court and settle the matter once and for all — and without extra cost to you.
  • Asset and liability evaluation: Partnerships with other brands are one tried-and-true way of expanding your reach. Make sure you’re working with the right people by requesting an asset and liability evaluation from our research team. These reports give you access to detailed information about your potential partner’s finances, past ventures, and more.
  • Custom credit reporting: Bring on new clients with confidence when you can get a custom report from Altus detailing their business credit status and other endeavors they’ve been involved with.


altus is certified by the industry's most respected associations

Nebraska Collections Resources

Request Commercial Collection Services From Our Nebraska Team

As North America’s leading name in commercial debt collection, we have the experience and knowledge to handle your collections and minimize your risks. We have over 70 offices worldwide dedicated to getting the most for our clients through our extensive debt collection services. Whether you do business stateside or worldwide, our team is ready to assist whenever you need us.

Reach out to the Altus team today through our contact form. Our experts are ready to put our experience and resources to work for your company.

The Benefits of Using a Collection Agency

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Talk to the Altus team today by sending us a message online. Our Nebraska collection agency will answer your questions about any service we offer.

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