Maine Debt Collection Agency

Altus Receivables Management is your solution to all matters concerning commercial debt collection in Maine. We specialize in protecting your business by ensuring you have the finances you need to make your operations run seamlessly. Whether we’re contacting your clients to settle their debts or researching potential investments to help you make a decision, our commitment is to quality, efficiency, and the success of your business.

Why Choose Altus for Maine Debt Collection?

  • Experience: Altus has been collecting commercial debt for over 30 years and our collectors have an average of 12 years of experience.
  • Size: Altus is the largest B2B debt collection company in the U.S. and has the resources to support you regardless of size or debtor location.
  • Industry expertise: Our experts support clients in numerous industries by learning the fine details and regulations that apply.
  • Technology: We use ARM STRONG™, our proprietary, industry-leading, end-to-end collections platform that provides 24/7 access to detailed claim information with 100% transparency to all collector activities, payment and call recordings.
  • Variety of services: We offer first-party collections, third-party collections, international collections, legal services and more.

Commercial Collection Services for Maine Companies

Your thriving business has enough to do without chasing down partners who should have paid their debts by now. Let Altus handle those contacts while you focus your efforts on finding new ones. Our services give you comprehensive support in:

  • B2B collections: When you want your clients to know you care about them personally, use our first-party outsourcing method to let them know. The Altus team will communicate with contacts under your brand to preserve established relationships. If you’d rather all collection contacts come from Altus directly, our team is also happy to act as a third-party service.
  • International collections: However you want Altus to interact with your clients, we’ll do so, whether they’re located near you in Maine or around the world. We’ve partnered with an international credit insurer that enables us to settle financial concerns in any country.
  • Legal forwarding: Should our best efforts still leave you waiting on debt repayment, we have a wide network of collection attorneys ready to work with you. We’ve gathered some of the most capable lawyers on the continent to assist us when our cases require us to take legal action — and their services come at no extra charge.



altus is certified by the industry's most respected associations

More Ways for Altus to Help

Over the years, we’ve expanded our operation to include these benefits too:

  • Credit reporting: New clients offer exciting prospects, but some may be more suitable for you than others. Get to know them before you start working with them through our custom credit intelligence reports. These reports will give you an overview of their credit history and potential financial complications, allowing you to curb major credit risks before they affect your business.
  • Asset and liability reporting: Similarly, new partnerships can offer major advantages in any industry, but only if you’re working with the right groups. Our researchers can make sure you are by developing an asset and liability report showing you the benefits and drawbacks of any particular venture.
  • ARM STRONG™: Keep track of our services and your clients in one place with ARM STRONG™, our proprietary, end-to-end platform. We believe in 100% transparency in our work, and with this software, you’ll be able to see it, 24/7. Access client notes and messages, send invoices, receive payments, and talk to Altus anytime when you gain access.

Maine’s Collection Agency Resources

Get Started With Your Local Debt Collectors

Recovering funds is the easiest it’s ever been with a professional, knowledgeable collections team and industry-leading technology to guide the way. Let Altus help you streamline your cash-to-credit process and preserve relationships with your clients. Reach out to our team online and start working with the best local debt collectors today.

at Altus, we offer first party services that allow us to uphold your brand reputation and standards

Send Us a Message

Talk to the Altus team today by sending us a message online. Our Maine collection agency will answer your questions about any service we offer.

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